Social Aid

Clothing Aids

Clothing Aids
Turkish Red Crescent determines the people in need of clothing due to economic troubles as a result of social assessments and make hundreds of thousands of people in need thanks to your support with in kind and in cash aids.

People in need have the opportunity to take clothing in certain numbers of pieces from the Red Crescent Shop just like shopping from a store while they can also meet all kinds of needs from clothing to food and from fuel to stationary at the Social Markets in line with a limit defined for them.

You can make clothing donation to Turkish Red Crescent for people in need or donate ₺20 by typing “GIYIM” and sending an SMS to 2868 via all GSM operators.
In addition to providing clothing aid to people in need, the distribution costs of clothing materials are also met with your clothing donations.

We, on behalf of all the people in need, thank you for your help and support. You, too, can support the Türk Kızılay’s works by making financial donations for humanitarian aid.
How Can You Donate to Türk Kızılay?
  • Via electronic process on the Türk Kızılay website using a credit card.
  • Through the Türk Kızılay donation payments system and donation accounts (Bank Accounts) in the banks

    * Ziraat Bank Türkiye Account Numbers;
    EURO IBAN: TR 9100 0100 2110 0000 2868 5256 Copy
    ACCOUNT NO: 2110-2868-5256 Copy
    BRANCH CODE: 2110  Copy

    * Ziraat Bank International AG Filiale Frankfurt Account Numbers;
    EURO IBAN: DE26 5122 0700 1080 0000 01 Copy
    KONTO NO: 1080000001 Copy
    BLZ: 512 20 700  Copy
  • Through 168 Türk Kızılay free call centre and donation lines. For international donors, please dial 0090 216 168 11 22 
  • You can make donation from all the Türk Kızılay branches in the Türkiye (You can reach our Branch Addresses from our website).
  • With Kızılay Mobile Application, Download App Store - Google Play
You can track our donations by entering your Republic of Türkiye ID or donor code to the "Donation Tracking" section in the donation section on our web page.
For more information about donations, please call the Türk Kızılay Call Centre, from Türkiye number: 168, from abroad number: 0090 216 168 11 22

Other communication channels for Institutional Material Donations;
Türk Kızılay Directorate of Donation E-mail:
Türk Kızılay Institutional WhatsApp Line:+90 552 150 1868


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