


Throughout the sacred month of Ramadan, we seek nearness to Allah (swt) through fasting, prayer, and acts of charity. One of the most meaningful ways to complete our worship is by giving Fitra (Zakat al-Fitr), a blessed obligation that purifies our fast and brings relief to those in need.
By entrusting your Fitra to Türk Kızılay, you extend your compassion to the most vulnerable, including families affected by disasters, the impoverished, and those struggling to meet their basic needs. Your contribution ensures that they, too, can partake in the joy of Eid, fulfilling the wisdom behind this beautiful tradition of giving.

Fitra: A Duty of Gratitude and Solidarity
Fitra (Zakat al-Fitr) is an obligatory charity given at the end of Ramadan as a means of purification and thanksgiving for the blessings we have received. It allows those in need to celebrate Eid with dignity, reinforcing the bonds of unity and care in our Ummah.
Who Should Give Fitra?
Every Muslim who possesses more than their basic needs and whose wealth exceeds the nisab threshold (equivalent to 80.18 grams of gold) is required to give Fitra on behalf of themselves and their dependents. Unlike Zakat, Fitra does not require wealth to be held for a full year.
How Much is Fitra for 2025?
The Presidency of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) has set the minimum Fitra amount at 180₺  per person for this year.Also, You can write "FITRE" and send SMS to 1877 and donate 180 . (Only suitable for users of Türkiye-based GSM operators.)

Who Can Receive Fitra?
Fitra must be given to those in need, as prescribed in the Holy Qur’an (Surah At-Tawbah, Ayah 60). It is directed towards:

  • The poor and needy who cannot meet their essential needs,
  • Individuals burdened with debts beyond their means,
  • Orphans, widows, and the displaced,
  • Struggling relatives (except direct ascendants and descendants such as parents or children).

Who is NOT Eligible to receive Fitra / Zakat al-Fitr?
Fitra (Zakat al-Fitr) should not be paid to individuals who are themselves obligated to pay zakat. This includes first-degree relatives (such as parents, grandparents, children, and grandchildren). Additionally, a husband and wife cannot give fitra or zakat al-fitr to one another.
Can Fitra / Zakat al-Fitr Be Paid to Charities?
Yes, it is permissible to donate fitra or zakat al-fitr to charitable organizations. Islamic guidelines allow donations to associations, foundations, and institutions that collect zakat, fidya, and fitra funds, provided they are dedicated to distributing these funds in accordance with the categories mentioned in Surah At-Tawbah, Ayah 60. It is important that these organizations are trusted and transparent, ensuring the funds are used appropriately for the designated purposes.

Why Choose Türk Kızılay for Your Fitra?
As a trusted humanitarian organization with over 150 years of service, Türk Kızılay ensures that your Fitra reaches those who need it most, in accordance with Islamic principles. With extensive experience in emergency relief, poverty alleviation, and sustainable aid projects, Türk Kızılay serves those in crisis zones, disaster-stricken regions, and impoverished communities across Türkiye and the world.
By donating through Türk Kızılay, you can be confident that your Fitra will:

  • Reach the most vulnerable, including those affected by earthquakes and conflicts.
  • Be distributed transparently and responsibly.
  •  Provide food, essential supplies, and support to those who would otherwise struggle to celebrate Eid.
Türk Kızılay olarak, destekleriniz için tüm ihtiyaç sahipleri adına teşekkür ederiz. ​Ayrıca diğer insani yardım çalışmalarına bağışta bulunarak da Kızılay’a destek olabilirsiniz.

Kızılay’a Nasıl Bağış Yapabilir​siniz?
  • Türk Kızılay internet sitesi üzerinden Kredi Kartı/Banka Kartı kullanarak elektronik işlemle,
  • Bankalarda bulunan Türk Kızılay bağış tahsilât sistemi ve bağış hesaplarından (Banka Hesap Numaraları),

    * Ziraat Bankası TL hesap bilgileri;
    IBAN: TR48 0001 0021 1000 0028 6852 54  Kopyala  
    SWIFT: TCZBTR2A Kopyala

    * Ziraat Bankası Frankfurt hesap bilgileri;
    EURO IBAN: DE26 5122 0700 1080 0000 01 Kopyala
    KONTO NO: 1080000001 Kopyala
    BLZ: 512 20 700  Kopyala
  • 168 Türk Kızılay ücretsiz danışma ve bağış hattından,
  • Kızılay Mobil Uygulaması ile, İndirmek İçin: App Store - Google Play
  • Ülke genelindeki tüm Kızılay şubelerinden bağış yapabilirsiniz.
Bağışlarınızın takibini, web sitemizin bağış sekmesinde yer alan “Bağış Takibi” bölümüne, T.C. Kimlik numaranızı girerek yapabilirsiniz.
Bağışlarla ilgili daha fazla bilgi almak için 168 Çağrı Merkezimizi arayabilirsiniz.
Sehven yapmış olduğunuz bağışlarla ilgili 1 ay içerisinde iade talebinde bulunabilirsiniz.

Diğer İletişim Kanallarımız
Türk Kızılay Bağışçı İlişkileri ve Kaynak Geliştirme Direktörlüğü E-mail: bagis@kizilay.org.tr
Türk Kızılay Kurumsal WhatsApp Hattı:+90 552 150 1868



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